Things That Go Bump in the Night
Posted on 02. Apr, 2010 by Paul Sochaczewski in LECTURES
Share some Asian stories about things that defy western Cartesian logic. Paul will tell of his conversation with the Sultan of Yogyakarta (Java) about the monarch’s love affair the Mermaid Queen. He’ll explain why isolated Indian villagers are angry at the Monkey God Hanuman for not returning their sacred mountain.
He’ll suggest why the ruling generals in Burma are using the country’s three white elephants to justify their hold on power, and the search for three types of Hobbits on the Indonesian island of Flores. And a few more, if time permits. Paul would like this session to have ample time for people to tell their own stories – “I’m sure that everyone has a ‘huh-what just happened?’ story,” he says, “and it will be fun to exchange campfire tales.”