Dead, but Still Kicking
Posted on 15. May, 2019 by Paul Sochaczewski in Books
Dead, but Still Kicking
Encounters with Mediums, Shamans, and Spirits
ISBN: 978-2-940573-32-5 (pbk)
ISBN: 978-2-940573-33-2 (ebk)

Do you believe in spirits?
Paul Sochaczewski travels to Indonesia, Myanmar, the United Kingdom, and Switzerland to speak with mediums, shamans, and, yes, spirits of dead folks. In this innovative work of personal journalism, Sochaczewski—a self-described Agnostic Spiritualist—creates the Three Tenets of Spiritualism. He gets a personal mandate from Moses, speaks with Alfred Russel Wallace about his relationship with Charles Darwin, gets frustrated by conflicting messages given by Wallace’s assistant Ali, encounters a female vampire ghost who wants to follow him home (it’s his own fault), converses with nature spirits, and is invited on a date with the Mermaid Queen of Java.
In exploring the characteristics that give mediums their power and in examining tricks of the trade, he admits there are many things we can’t explain with our science-oriented, logical, left brains.
While there are few answers in this book, there are many questions and conundrums. Are we more than our physical bodies? Is death the end or just the beginning of a new phase of existence? And was the terrifying misandrous female vampire ghost Paul met in Borneo satisfied with the red chicken he offered her?
Critical Praise
“Hardly worth the paper it’s printed on. Real mediums would also make stunning and enigmatic predictions. Like I have done.”
“That rascal Nostradamus copied my technique, my predictions, my innovative use of enigmatic metaphors. It was me, saya, King of Kediri, who gave the world yellow dwarves, ships that navigate in the skies, and women who dress like men. Oh, by the way, this is a terrific book, less poetic than my work, and less filled with Javanese mysticism, but still of notable value.”
“Enlightening. A noble companion volume to my own books on spiritualism.”
—Arthur Conan Doyle
“Not a single raven. Not even a man buried behind a wall. Nevertheless, one of the better books about extraordinary dead folks to come around in a while.”
—Edgar Allan Poe
“Sochaczewski has been following me for more than forty years. I finally got to speak to him, and our conversations are recorded in this fine book. But now maybe he’ll leave me alone—I’m so busy—there’s a pile of strange beetles to identify, papers to write, and endless toil just trying to earn a few shillings to keep the family in porridge.”
—Alfred Russel Wallace
“I predicted this book would happen.”
—Edgar Cayce
“Too bad Sochaczewski never knew my wife George; she was a much better medium than the poseurs in this book. Otherwise, a brave attempt to understand the widening gyres.”
—W.B. Yeats
“Well done, son.”
—the late Samuel Wachtel, Paul’s father